The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak

The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak

Level 24


South Shroud (X:19, Y:18)

Into the Beast's Maw

Named after a man-eating creature from ancient Padjali folklore, the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak was built on the site of a natural cave system beneath Silent Arbor. Until recently, it held all of Gridania's foulest criminals, from arsonists to poachers, but the completion of a new gaol closer to the city heralded its abandonment.  


Coeurl O' Nine Tails

The instance features two encounters with Coeurl O'Nine Tails. During the second encounter, an additional two adds spawn alongside the second Coeurl. These Coeurls possess a singular ability called Acid Mist, which inflicts Poison on all adjacent members of the party.


The arena is surrounded by puddles of green goo that slow down players' movement by inflicting the Leaden debuff. The boss, Graffias, has several attacks including Realm Shaker, an instant circle AoE that deals moderate damage, Silkscreen, a line AoE targeting a random player, and Sticky Web, where Graffias targets a random player, dealing minor damage and spawning an untargetable Fleshy Pod add. After a few seconds, the add explodes with Pod Burst, causing moderate damage in a circle AoE and inflicting a Poison debuff on any players hit. When the boss reaches 50% HP, it summons 4 Comesmite adds and its tail's skin falls off, unlocking another attack. Killing the tail removes the attack and grants the boss Vulnerability Up for 60 seconds. The Vulnerability Up attack is Deadly Thrust, where a player is targeted and a large green poison puddle is placed at their position, inflicting a Pollen debuff that deals damage over time to any players inside it.
